We’ve added a group of Web Site Acceleration Tools in the Site Control Panel so that you can very easily increase the online operation of your websites. You will not have to modify anything in the program code or make special configurations that need tech comprehension from you. Inside the Site Control Panel, simply select the tool you need to utilize – Memcached, Node.js and Varnish and make an instance for it. It is all carried out with a click of the mouse. By quickening your websites, you will not only stop your website visitors from being required to wait but will also make your web site climb high in search engine rankings.

You can find the Web Site Acceleration Tools in the Advanced Tools section of the Site Control Panel.


RAM–memorizing as an alternative to data–base queries

In case you have a fast paced database–operated site or application, it could possibly have problems running fast for the visitors as a result of the many different queries sent to the data base. To let you fix the page streaming issue, we’ve included the Memcached tool into the Site Control Panel.

Memcached is a powerful distributed memory caching system, which collects information and objects in the server’s memory to prevent the database from getting asked every time a customer loads a specific webpage. In this way, your web site pages will load a lot quicker for website visitors and will raise the possibility for them to come back.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–caching instead of HTTP requests

You’ll find a number of strategies to speed up a web site, but most of them need a coder to edit the backend code. Luckily, there are more uncomplicated alternatives for speeding up a site, just like the Varnish website accelerator incorporated into our Site Control Panel.

Varnish represents a caching HTTP reverse proxy, which stores HTTP queries within the server memory and sends them to the viewer rather than waiting for the hosting server to return them. Testing demonstrate that applying Varnish on a web site as well as an application usually hurries up website loading speeds with a factor of 300 – 1000x. Varnish can even be tweaked how to deal with newly arriving queries – whether they must be returned by Varnish, by the web server, and so forth.

Hepsia File Manager


Meant for building fast and then flexible web applications

Web developers are able to use Node.js for developing many types of high–end and also cost–efficient solutions like enterprise measurement platforms, live web apps and content management systems, to name just a few. It is really fast and scalable and is backed up by a proactive online community that is continuously progressing and supporting it.

Node.js is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and works by using an event–based, non–blocking I/O pattern that renders its API adaptive and upgradeable. This specific ground–breaking method enables coders to rapidly build up powerful web apps only using one language.

Hepsia File Manager